Monday, 6 May 2024


I love a Friday, I try and take some of the day just for myself, although it is usually my big clean day!. Really into my self-care at the minute and that is all aspects, not just a face mask and a pamper, taking time out for myself to do the things I enjoy and love.

 When I say I haven't been this excited about a film in a LONG time I am not kidding. If you are an OG around here then you will already know I love a tarot deck and have been using them for quite a long time now, so when I saw the trailer for the Tarot movie I was SO excited!.

I did want to pre-book tickets for the prmeier showing but I was working, so we booked in for Friday which is my day off. Shopping, lunch and the movies - perfect day off if you ask me.

We headed to the new Spud van in town for lunch - I am obsessed!. Jacket potato cooked to perfection with garlic butter, cheese and beans for £5, a bargain and it is delicious.

We got to the cinema just in time, I hate waiting 30 minutes for the trailers so never get there when the film states it is showing :)

Snacks in hand and the comfy seats at the back. This film was epic!. It's giving Thirteenth Ghosts with the tarot characters, I dont want to give the film away but it was brilliant.

Better than I was expecting and one of the best horrors I have seen in a while.

On the flip side, does anyone else love a book?. I finished The Housemaid book this evening and wow. What a book. It had me gripped right from the start and it has only taken me three days to read -  With two jobs, two children at home and a house to run, I still managed to read this book in 3 days as I couldn't put it down. I am now on the second one which is the sequel but not really a follow-on from the first story but equally amazing!.

Loving getting into bed with a cup of tea and a good book at the minute.

Have you seen Tar0t or read The Housemaid? what did you think ...


  1. Your Friday sounds absolutely perfect - lunch at the Spud van and a thrilling movie sounds like the ultimate treat! I haven't seen Tarot yet, but after reading your review, I'm definitely adding it to my watchlist.

  2. We are seeing Tarot this week at our cinema so I am glad to hear that you enjoyed it.

  3. I would love a day off and a trip to the cinema. I haven't heard of this film before but glad it was good.
