Sunday 6 January 2019


We had planned to spend today out , seeing as it was the last day of the Christmas holidays for Alessia. Always typical when things get planned something happens. Our boiler decided to pack in last night so we had to wait in this morning for the plumber to come and fix it.

2.50pm and the boiler was finally fixed!. I’m not going to lie , it really put a downer in the day and I even thought about not going on, but I got our coats in and off we went.

We had planned to get Nila’s feet measured and exchange her shoes I got in the Clarke’s sale. That was a bit of a disaster as she screamed the place down when she was being measured , she was over tired and fed up , poor sod.

We got there in the end and she’s now a 6F , which made me laugh as I had bought her a 4 1/2 F in the sale - no wonder I struggled to get them on! :)

We then headed to Jumbo fun, which is a soft play centre , and it’s one the girlies really like. We don’t ever go soft play anymore and they absolutely loved it .

Now Nila is that little bit older , she loved joining in with her big sister and was so brave going down the slide on her own . It was so cute!

We had such a lovely afternoon and quality time with the family really does put a smile on my face :)

Spare of the moment - I decided to treat everyone to tea out . January is suppose to be a no spend month , but that went out the window on the 3rd when I order macdonalds breakfast for us all! Maybe next January eh!

I had a £10 off voucher anyway so we had a lovely tea - steak and chips and drinks . It was delicious and was really cheap which was even better.

We have had such a lovely last day. The girls are bathed and flat out and I’m dreading the school run in the morning!

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