Tuesday, 6 July 2021


 When it comes to summer events, there's nothing like rocking a nice crop top to help you move around a bit and feel cooler. You can make a custom one to suit the event and it'll give you that edge you need in your fashion sense. Before you wear a crop top, here are a few things to prepare to rock it at an event.  



One of the best things to do before you wear your  rave top clothing  is to debloat. Sure, you can rock it as is but feeling less debloated makes me feel so much better in myself . Start eating foods like carrots and avocados because they're rich in potassium. 


Eating better foods like that will start to cut down the bloated feel. Not to mention, some running or high-intensity workouts can help too. Drink a lot of water to hydrate and get your sodium levels normalized for a cleaner appearance. 


Choose the Crop Top That Makes You Comfortable

Of course, more traditional crop tops expose your stomach. You can wear these if you feel comfortable.You might even pair it with a belly button piercing to give an edgier appeal to your raver friends. 


If you're not comfortable with your core or just want to feel a bit more conservative, you can wear a pseudo crop top. These don't reveal much skin at all. When you feel comfortable, the confidence shows and brings forth that great energy you want for the event. 


Give Yourself Breathing Room

These kinds of tops can be quite snug. Of course, you want something a bit stiffer to keep it from flowing everywhere.


Not only does it look more appealing, but you'll be able to dance around in a festival crop top  without having to worry about how everything fits on you. Don't forget to also moisture and even get yourself a fake tan!. 



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