Wednesday, 24 June 2020


Creative writing is an important element of a child’s education as it encourages them to explore their imagination, learn new vocabulary and develop excellent written communication skills. 

If your child is embarking on a creative writing project, encourage them to plan out their story first. They will need to outline the beginning, middle and end of the story and perhaps use a mind-map to come up with some key words and a phrases that suit the genre

Effective planning will give your child some direction, otherwise they will find the project frustrating and confusing. 

To get your child into writing, it’s wise to get them into reading first. If they haven’t read many books, they won’t understand the key elements that make up a great story. Reading will help them understand that there are many different genres, as well as the different sentence structures that authors use to enrich their story. 

If your child doesn’t like reading, perhaps you could initiate a family book club to make it more of a sociable experience. 

One way to make creative writing a little less challenging for your child is to suggest that they re-write the ending of their favourite book, rather than start their own story from scratch.

 This will be easier for them as the plot and characters are already developed and they will learn that small changes to the story here and there will make a huge difference to the final chapter of a book.

You could also encourage your child to write a review of their books, using lots of adjectives to describe what they liked and disliked about the story. 

The trick is to get them to consider aspects of their books on a deeper level so that they develop strong critical thinking skills. For further support, don’t be afraid to contact your child’s English teacher.

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