Saturday, 18 July 2020


So yesterday was Alessia’s last day in year 6 . I can’t actually believe Year 7 is just around the corner .The years just seem to be flying by and I wish they would slow down.

We decided to send her back to school just over 2 weeks ago now and I am so glad we did . She has made some lovely memories over the past 2 weeks and it’s really given her closure for the year and she is now excited for year 7.

They had a year 6 leavers day , there was a hired bouncy castle and ice cream van. A DJ music stand and the sun was shining so bright, which it hasn’t been all week! :)

Parents and siblings were allowed to attend the day at 2pm , where we got to pick up her report and take photographs and it was such an amazing send off.

There were no tears from Alessia , which I was really surprised at. Me on the other hand , had to hold my composure so many times , yes I am that mum :)

We are actually moving to the next town soon so the school she will be going in September isn’t the one her friends are going but we’ve all arranged for sleepovers and play dates to still happen. We are only 15 minutes drive away , and keep telling her that, and I think that’s why she has taken it so well.

We read her report and I can not express how proud I am of her . She has had such a tough year with bullies and not feeling like she fits  in , and she has got through it and got A’s for every single lesson.

She has shown herself and everyone else that she can do it and there is nothing stopping her or getting in her way.

She left with a goody bag from her teacher with sweets and Smiggle goodies which was so lovely .

So that is the end of primary school. September doesn’t seem that far away, and then it’s a whole different ball game. She is so excited and can not wait!.

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