Tuesday, 25 August 2020


You don’t need to be a genius to give your child a good head start at maths. Simply incorporate maths into your everyday activities at home and you will soon help your child to develop their numeracy skills and enjoy mathematics.

Here are a few examples provided by an independent girls school in Buckinghamshire, on how you can explore STEM subjects with your chid…

Make maths fun
To help make maths feel more fun, try to incorporate it into your everyday activities. For example include your child in any task involving numbers and measuring, such as shopping and cooking. 
By practicing maths in this way, your child won’t even realise they are learning!

Ask the teacher
Ican be helpful to understand how your child is being taught maths at school. This will help you to practice the same techniques at home and teach at the correct level for your child. Speak to your child’s teacher to find out what they are currently working on and what you can do to support them at home.

Let them teach
Ask your child to be the teacher and explain their maths homework to you. This will not only help you to keep up to date with what they are working on at school, but it will also help your child to remember what they have learnt by repeating it.

Use online resources
There are many useful online resources that can help your child to improve their maths skills. Again, you can ask your child’s teacher for recommendations, or have a look at online activities aimed at your child’s age group. Many of these are free and often include games, which can help to make learning maths much more exciting.

Be patient
It is a good idea to let your child try to work things out on their own and then show you how they came to their answer. If they make a mistake you will then be able to understand where they went wrong and offer your help.

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