Sunday, 30 May 2021


 Bank holiday weekend is currently glorious isn’t it?. I have been so over the cold and rain for the past month and I am so happy the sun is finally making an appearance.

We’ve actually got lovely weather forecasted for the next 2 weeks so we are on a mission to get the garden summer ready.

It has definitely been a little neglected over the last lockdown and we haven’t been outside much at all, but we’ve got the half-term week to get ‘Operation Garden Summer ready’ underway! :)

I’ve come up with  5 ways that’ll help you get your garden sorted for this summer with little tips and tricks that will save you pennies and also time!. 

No one wants to be doing the garden for the whole of the summer, we definitely want to enjoy it :)


Any furniture that needs going to the skip get it gone and get ordering that new garden furniture right away. It can take a few weeks to be delivered so we always get the orders in first so by the time the garden is ready for the family BBQs, you’ll have everything you need already delivered.

We need a new table and chairs and we are actually going to get a Hammock this summer. I’ve always wanted one but we’ve never had the space for it in our garden but this garden is huge and I am SO excited!.

Hammock Planet also offers children’s ones, too, so the girls are going to be treated to their own as they love being outside in the sunshine and what better way to relax outside than in your own hammock!. However, if assembling the new furniture and equipment seems overwhelming on your own, you could also consider searching for Handyman near me in Ephrata, PA or other similar phrases, in order to hire a professional service, that can assist you with assembling the furniture. 

They can take care of everything from setting up your new patio set to assembling more intricate pieces like hammocks, ensuring everything is put together correctly and safely. With everything assembled and ready, we will be set for a summer full of outdoor fun


This probably seems so obvious but we always stay by tidying up and clearing up the mess. This could be cardboard boxes that have flown out of the wheelie bin and down the end of the garden - trust me, it happens all the time.

Get rid of all the rubbish and you will definitely get a clearer view of the bigger picture, and what needs doing next.


If you have grass, give it a once over with the lawn mower. We normally need to do this a few times if we have left it a while so cutting the grass is always one of the first things we do so underneath can dry up ready for the next cut in a few days.


Is it just me that paints the garden fence to give it a new lease of life!. It instantly gives the garden a fresh and new feel to it and brightens it up so much. 


We always plant new fresh flowers every year, and we buy the seeds super cheap around Xmas time in the sales for the following summer. We love nature, especially the flowers that attract little friends and we also upcycle tyres to put them in which saves so much money and gives your garden a quirky edge to it .

I’d love to know what you're doing to get your garden summer-ready this year ..


  1. Your post has given me some ideas to change up my garden, the fences sure do need painting and I need to plant a few more plants as well

  2. We just painted our back gate and it made a huge difference.

  3. We have been enjoying time out in the garden and getting it summer ready, it makes such a difference

  4. We've been working on a glow up for our garden before we do the full thing in the next few years, and cutting the grass and pruning things back makes such a difference. We need to do a second coat of paint on our decking and replace a few more fence panels but it's looking good x

  5. These are some great tips to get your garden summer ready, we have been doing some of these to get ours ready.

  6. That's such a good idea to buy seeds in the sale. I never thought to do that before. It's lovely to have a range of flowers in the garden.

  7. Lovely ideas. I just had my entire garden re done, I have a new deck and I love it.
