Tuesday, 3 August 2021


 Resilience is something that can be developed over time, especially when we’re equipped with the necessary skills to overcome obstacles and move forward in a positive way. 

When our children are young, it’s easy to want to swoop in and save the day whenever they face adversity, but this won’t help them become resilient. I have teamed up with a girls’ private school to offer some advice on how you can raise a spirited child that copes well with challenges…


Praise Progress


Positive feedback is just as constructive, if not more so, than criticism and punishment. With that said, it’s important for you to praise your child when you see them coping well with a particular situation. For instance, if they’re struggling with a piece of homework but continue to persevere in a positive way, let them know you are proud of them. Celebrate their progress and the small wins, rather than focussing on condemning them for the things they’re doing wrong.


Promote Independence


As mentioned above, stepping in to help your child every time the going gets tough won’t allow them to become resilient. Give them their independence and let them fail, because this will help them strive for improvement and give them the confidence they need to keep trying. As an example, don’t let them win every time you play a board game, because then if they lose against someone else in the future, they won’t know how to accept their failure. 


Teach Coping Mechanisms


Help your child understand their emotions and how to deal with them. It’s ok to be upset or angry sometimes but taking that out on someone else by yelling or being disrespectful is not the right way to cope. Introduce mindfulness techniques so that your child knows to take a breather if they’re getting frustrated with something. Encourage them to take a break if they’re starting to become irate. 


With the right approach, you should be able to raise a strong, resilient child that can cope with hardships, which will stand them in good stead for adulthood.

1 comment:

  1. These are so true, how we as parents react to our children goes a long way in how they grow and cope without us
