Sunday, 22 May 2022


 Yesterday we spent the day at the funfair in Hanley forest park. I had arrranged this over a week ago with seeing it advertised and the girls were super excited!.

It’s very rare we all go out together - just the girls, no boys allowed :) , so it was even more special. 

Stanworth’s funfairs are actually wristband entry so you pay for a wristband and it’s unlimited rides which is such good value for money.

The sun was shining and the weather was definitely on our side. The girls managed all the rides more than once and we stopped for a lunch break too :)

The food is a little expensive but you can bring a picnic which would of been perfect for today.

The dinosaur invasion was there today too- real life dinosaurs Nila said!. The baby ones were super cute and it was a lovely added bonus to the day.

We left when last ride shouts were being done so we 100% used the wristbands for every penny we spent on them :) 

We got slushies and candy-floss to take home and got in just after 6pm. Was such a great day out and would definitely recommend the Stanworth funfair if it shows up in your area .


  1. I always think it's much better when places offer wristbands because paying per ride can mount up quite quickly. Looks like you ladies had a fun day x

  2. Sounds like a really fun day out, I haven't been to a fun fair for years.
