Friday, 27 December 2024


 Boxing Day for us is all about games. We literally spend the day getting all the toys out, unboxing and assembly and it is honestly one of my favourite days over the Christmas holidays.

First and foremost, though, if you are a regular reader over here then you will know, that the Lush Boxing Day sale is what. I live for. I go every year, and it is always successful. This year, I set myself a budget because I can go a little wild. We are talking £300 plus some years, but I didn't need a lot of things and we really want to save this year to buy a house.

We headed to town and were probably about 15 in the queue, which wasn't too bad. We got in and I was a little disappointed they did not have any of their creams or beauty bits in the sale this year, but I got a few things as well as a lord of Misrule body spray and then headed to McDonald's for a cheeky breakfast muffin.

It was Kay and me, my eldest daughter, as the younger two didn't want to come so was some nice time alone with Kay. We had a quick look in Superdrug and then came back home for me to prepare Boxing Day dinner.

Boxing Day dinner always seems controversial as we have gammon, mash, cabbage and cold pickles, all the pickles but a lot of people find this really weird, let me know what you have for dinner.

We ate and played all afternoon, including Nila's magical mixie cauldron, which was so magical she was really impressed. The older two went upstairs to set up make-up and skincare bits and Nila and I watched Stickman, which is a Boxing Day classic too.

I had the longest bath with some lush goodies and tried to finish my book. I am currently reading The Christmas Killer, really good, I am hoping to finish it by the end of the month!.

We then played Outsmarted with my mum and dad and sister and her boyfriend. They are in London and found an online quiz game. You download it on your phone or iPad and can interact and play against each other.

The aim is to get around the board and complete your rings.

Kay and her boyfriend also joined in from their house when they got home and we spent about 2 hours getting elbow-deep in general news and 80s music :)

Ended the day with Eastenders, of course, cheese and crackers and some well-needed sleep!


  1. I never take advantage of Boxing Day sales - there are just so many people out and about. It seems like you had a fantastic day though!

  2. I try to avoid going to stores in Boxing Day, it is just a little too crazy for me. I do shop for a good discount online though.

  3. This is the first time I've ever heard of Boxing Day! I had to look it up! Thanks for teaching me something new!

  4. I haven't visited Lush in a while, but these deals are great. I always forget about Boxing Day, but I will be sure to next time!

  5. I used to be pretty big on boxing day sale earlier and used to buy a way lot more than what i needed. But now I have cut down. However, i am glad to know you had a fantastic day. kudos!

  6.  Boxing Day is a special day for sure in many ways. Looks like you've had a lot of fun.
