Sunday, 28 February 2016


As some of you might know,if you follow us on our you-tube channel, I am coming up to the big 30 in April. As worrying and sad as this feels, it also marks a deadline for me that I set myself many years ago.

I have always loved the thought of having lots of children, they would always be there for each other and never feel alone,the more the merrier,I thought.Reality is a lot different. I had Kadiann at 17,and Alessia at 23, I was hoping for a smaller age gap,scared it would stop them from bonding but honestly,they have been each others rock when times have been hard,the best play buddies and have loved each other unconditionally,with the odd moan off Kadiann,which I expect now she is almost a teenager!,yes it breaks my heart my first born is approaching her first year as a teenager. Alessia will be 7 this year and no longer wants to be my baby,I do try,but Scott tells me off!.Suddenly I feel like times running out.

I set myself a deadline that If I was to have baby number 3 It would be before I reached 30.Up until 6 months ago I had come to terms with the fact that the girls,Scott and myself were going to be the completion of my little family,and willow of course.Now Im reaching 30 I am wondering If I have made the right decision.With my Pros and cons all written out I still do not know.


  • We obviously would love to extend the family 
  • The girls would have another sibling
  • I still have a few months to conceive before deadline :)
  • Financially stable
  • I am super broody

  • Bigger age gap this time
  • my low moods increasing
  • I am scared of child birth.....I know I have done it twice already!
  • the girls feeling jealous
  • Having to give up work

There are more but these are the main points I keep going over and over and honestly,i just do not know. I would love to know if any of you have ever felt like this whether it be an age issue or age gap,anything at all,leave a comment I would love to hear your stories and what you decided.


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