Wednesday, 28 June 2017



So we are so close to the finish line and i am so relieved. If you have been following my pregnancy journey then you will know there have been quite a few bumps in the road and i can honestly say this is the last munchkin this mama is having. Three girls is absolutely fine with me, sorry Scott! 
So where do i start!


Emotions,anxiety and my depression over the last trimester has been really difficult, life has been slightly hectic. I ended up going on maternity leave early at 30 weeks due to the nature of my job, i work as a community carer and was having to be dropped off in the area that i worked and practically walk around all day and wait around in between my calls, which from 8.30am -3.30pm every day was a complete struggle and SPD has not been kind to me due to this.


From a confirmed home birth assessment,to being high risk with pre eclampsia, hospitalised twice and  then back down to low risk and back on the home birth ladder,fingers crossed ( and toes!) we can have this home birth and everything runs smoothly.We have had numerous different midwifes and still have not been allocated one which is very unnerving but we know what we want and already having two daughters, and one home birth under my belt i am sure we will be fine.


I have had Braxton Hicks so intense for the last 6 weeks which have made going out and making the most of the girls before little one arrives impossible.Hot flushes have been a nightmare, some nights having two showers just to cool down. Swollen feet,hands ,calfs , you name it , it's probably been swollen, i am still having swollen hands and feet occasionally but this is common now i am 39 weeks +2 and feeling like a whale. My bladder has a mind of it's own and is totally in charge.With having the braxton hicks I ordered some third trimester teas from Amazon in the hope to speed things along, i am still pregnant and still drinking them....


Still craving mints, although the craving did go down for a few weeks as crunching them was giving me acid re flux, but now that has gone i am back on the mint bad wagon, have cracked my tooth but still crunching the damn things!
Also cola push ups from Aldi have become a firm favourite, over the last few weeks the UK  has had some glorious weather and also my cool it mama from the midwife in a box has been a godsend for cooling me down.


I have been so busy this pregnancy i have totally neglected my bump and it shows!. I have accumulated so many stretch marks and there is no going back now with them. Honestly though, being a mother of nearly 3, stretch marks and all the wobbly bits that come with pregnancy and afterwards do not  bother me. My body has carried 3 precious children and if the proof of that is a few tiger strips, i am totally happy with that.

My last pregnancy update, i really can not believe it is nearly all over, even though it has been an eventful pregnancy, to hold my munchkin at the end of it will be worth it.

Thanks For Reading

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