Monday, 14 August 2017


Saturday we woke up to glorious weather, something the UK hasn't seem much of this summer. So we decided to take the girls out for the day to get some fresh air and burn off some of that energy being cooped up indoors .We don't get much quality time as a family lately and this is something we are trying to work on.

West port lake is actually one of our favourite places to go for a walk, its not far from us and the girls usually take their scooters and see how many laps they can do.The view is absolutely stunning and it really is a breath of fresh air.

There are two trails to choose from, a shorter one and a long one, we always take the long one, although Alessia gets a bit reluctant half way round,especially if the swans decided to attack,which they have done on numerous occasions, i am sure they can smell us coming!

There are so  many different types of birds at this lake. Myself and Kadiann always seem to spot a different kind every time we go, this time it was a funny looking fella with a completely white beak. 

We fed the ducks popcorn and they can't get enough of it, if you watch our weekly Vlogs, you will see them all in action!

There is also a park, which was absolutely packed!, and normally an ice cream van, typical it wasn't here on this occasion, but not to worry, we did end up nipping into Asda for some on the way home .

 The girls were so ready for bed when we got home, even baby Nila was exhausted. A success for mama and a nice cup of tea to celebrate!

Thanks For Reading

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