Tuesday, 26 September 2017


I have just got back from a brilliant weekend in Manchester, my first Blog event. As some of you will already know, if you follow me on Youtube,that i put my name down for the ticket waiting list for BlogOn, which is an event full of networking, talks,wine,goody bags, PR brands and cake!. I honestly didn't think i was going to get an email saying that a ticket had become available, so when i did i bought it straight away, an impulse buy you could say, as the next day i was a nervous wreck and wanting to get a refund.

Anxiety plays a very big part in events like these, although i would love to go to them all and mingle as they say, my anxiety will not let me.Even up until the night before the launch party,yes there is a launch party!, i had told my partner that i was not going, and i felt gutted for myself as i just could not get myself out of that state of mind where you tell yourself you can't do it-no such this as can't.

Then It just hit me, the only way i am going to meet these new friends and network is if i actually attend these events, and i really had nothing to worry about.

It was brilliant,better than i had expected. I went to two talks as i was using my time wisely,it is very full on and i really wanted to make the most of the day so going back and fourth between talks and brands-and of course food!. I also met the Grinch, highlight of the day obviously.

I met some lovely people and hopefully will be friends for a very long time, they were so warming and friendly and i admit i did tag a long with a few ( you know who you are) and thanks for that as it really helped me feel at ease and honestly i was anxious for maybe the first half an hour and then after that i was totally fine and felt like i had been doing this hustling lark for years.

I came away with lots of knowledge that i can not wait to use, a huge goody bag-and i mean huge, and some lovely friends and i really can not wait for the next one :)

Thanks For Reading

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