Friday, 13 October 2017


I have always been a lover of books, for as long as i can remember , books have always been in the family.I can remember my Nan reading and my mum always had her nose stuck in a book,then my crazy book obsession, almost looking like a library- it was inevitable that my girls were going to be little book worms.

I am an avid believer in reading with your children, but more importantly starting from when they are young.Nila absolutely loves being read to and at nearly 4 months she is already trying to grab the pictures,which is so cute.

We read the children's school books every evening during the week and leave weekends for the girls to read whichever books they want too,if they wish. Alessia has just moved up to free reader at school, which  means she is now free to pick any book she wants at school,which we have been working on getting for a few months now and she was so excited and proud of herself for this achievement.

We also encourage the girls to read to one another and Alessia has been enjoying reading her Miffy collection to Nila.I have always loved Miffy, and the books are beautifully written and the pictures are bold, which for babies are perfect for catching their eye.

Miffy have such a wide variety of books out and they are not to long so are a perfect after tea time read or a quick bedtime story read.They have such a variety of adventures too, from going to the zoo to becoming a fairy!. Our favourite at the minute has got to be Miffy and the new baby, with Little Nila's entry to the world.

Have you got little book worms at home, which are your favourite books to read?

Thanks For Reading

*We were sent these books in exchange for an honest review*

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