Monday, 11 December 2017


Over the weekend we had tons of snow! It is really starting to feel christmassy now and i can not wait! I decided to make some salt dough and make an afternoon of it. To be honest, i don't think i have made salt dough for years, since Kadiann was little, so the girls were really excited to get stuck in!

The plan was to make some tree decorations, but the pieces where so heavy we just winged it, and the girls ending up making whatever they wanted, which turned out pretty awesome!

We actually got Nila's hand print done,which was a bit of a challenge as we are weaning her and all she wanted to do was eat the dough!,but it turned out really good :)

Kadiann made a christmas tree and a thumb print - don't ask me why, i have no clue, teenagers for you!. Alessia made a reindeer and two pigs - again, don't ask! but she did a fantastic job, and she is going to give one to her teacher as a Christmas present which is so cute of her.

They took so long to oven bake, and when i type 'so' long, i mean sooooooo long!, i will definitely be googling a different method for that process in future :) . We painted them with Kay's acrylic paint from her art stuff and they dried pretty quick.

The girls were happy with their creations and really enjoyed getting stuck in. It is so good and important to get them away for the ipads and laptops or iphones! and get crafty, and they absolutely love it!

What have you been up to this weekend? 

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