Friday, 29 December 2017


When i started up my blog, i had wanted it to be an online diary - i use to love keeping a written diary when i was younger, and had them throughout the years, up until my teens.

For the past year i have dedicated a lot of time ( and typing ) into my blog, and i am so happy with where i am at now. So much so, 2018 is the year i become self employed with it! Fingers crossed.

If you haven't followed me long, then you will not be familiar with 'the joys of blogging' - it is my catch phrase when i am feeling the strain, the strain on my hands.

I first went the doctors with hand pains in 2009 - nearly 8 years ago,when i was pregnant with my daughter Alessia. They put it down to being 'over used' and if i am honest, they brushed me off and said take some pain killers.

I thought nothing of it, as going to the doctors, we are suppose to get the answers aren't we?. Fast forward to 2014,we had moved areas and this is where i started working as a community carer, and this is where the pain spiralled. I was in so much pain, but thought i was over using my hands-  manually lifting clients, writing out paper work - just keep taking the pain killers and they will work - at some point!.

I could not take the pain anymore and one night rang 111 - which is the number you call initially to get some advice for a concern you have and they assist you on the next step. I was in tears by this point, they advised me to keep my hand warm and had an appointment the following day.

This is where i heard the words Carpal Tunnel. I had never heard of it before and did not know what it was. It is actually a common condition that causes tingling sensation in the hand and arm, pain and numbness .

Unfortunately the doctor i initially saw did not carry out the tests for this diagnosis - which is to check over your wrists and look at all the symptoms you have experienced, i do feel that if he had then it would not be as bad as it is now.

I have wrist supports for when it needs that extra bit of help, and if i have been blogging throughout the day for long periods of time, then the dull aching and pain throughout the night can keep me up til the early hours, but for now i am plodding on and making the most out of a bad situation.

I would love to know if any of you suffer from any injuries, that could of been prevented or at least helped along the way. Or if you have any advice on Carpal Tunnel, i wold love to know :)

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