Friday, 5 January 2018


Now this is something i have been thinking about for the past month - returning to work.If you are not familiar with my journey, i am a community carer and i am currently on maternity leave after having our daughter Nila in June 2017.

The plan was to always go back to work, not as soon as now, but i had decided that i did want to go back to work as i really enjoying working and i absolutely love my role as a carer.

Due to financial calculations, i have decided to go back earlier than i had hoped and i have mixed emotions about it all.

I am due to go back at the end of this month and i am really looking forward to it on one hand- seeing my clients, catching up with work colleagues and gossip - lets be honest, there is always gossip to be told!. Having some time without the children, now i know that probably sounds awful, but since having Nila, i don't have a minute without the children, literally not one single minute, and sometimes you need that time to recuperate and just DE stress so you can be the best possibly parent you can be!

I have yet to go into the office and talk about hours, but i am looking on the lines of Sundays and maybe one evening a week as Scott works split shifts, and working during school hours now is impossible as we have no family close by to babysit, and to afford childcare i would have to sell my soul - which i might have to if i need to pay the bills! :)

The part of me that is worrying is the fact of leaving Nila, now she is only going to be with Scott, so some might think i am being ridiculous, but she is such a mummies girl and honestly cries if i leave her for 30 minutes with Scott for a bath - i know, a complete diva right?
The older two girls are fine and i am sure a day without mum pestering them to get off the laptop is going to be bliss for them! So they are probably looking forward to me going back! ha!

I know deep down that i need to go for me , and also for Nila to not rely on me all the time and it will take a bit of pressure off of me at home, and i might actually be able to enjoy a bath bomb...or two!
I have notes on things to leave for the family and lists for Scott and the whole sha bang!!

Have you gone back to work recently? or thinking about it? i would love to know your thoughts or how you have got on :)

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