Wednesday, 24 January 2018


Top 5 Home Renovations You Can Do Right Now

Renovating your home doesn't mean lifting a sledgehammer and knocking walls down. Sometimes the smallest changes can have the biggest impact which is why these ideas are perfect for weekend renovations!

With these simple, yet effective home renovation ideas, you can update the look of your home with minimal disruption and effort – and without a big budget.

#1 Paint

Let’s start with the obvious one – for the price of a can of emulsion in your chosen colour, a roller and tray, and a paintbrush, you can transform any room.
Or, why not learn how to wallpaper by investing in a few rolls of wallpaper, some paste and pasting table and create a feature wall using the latest pattern?
In no more than a few hours work and not much disruption to the rest of the house, you can create a whole new look to a room. Providing the paintwork is sound for the rest of the room, just spicing up one wall is a fantastic weekend renovation.
Haven’t got loads of time? No problem! Take a look at how to decorate a room in lightning quick time.
Cost: emulsion paint can be as low as £12 for a tin large enough to decorate a small to medium sized room. wallpaper varies. Overall, allow between £30 and £50.

#2 Paint the Front Door

There are many trends tipped for 2018 and the one that seems to be firing people’s imagination is making an impact at the front door. There are two ways you can do this;
      I.        Invest in new hardware – in other words, buy a new front door. But, not all doors are created equal so consider spending as much as your budget will allow to buy one that will insulate your home effectively, as well as being secure. Consider heavier composite doors and don’t be frightened to choose colour!
    II.        Paint your front door – from porch doors to front doors, or even the back door, if you have a wooden door that could do with some tender loving care then spend a spring weekend taking the time to give it a new coat of paint. Wash it and sand it, prime it and then give it a top coat or two of high-quality exterior wood paint. Choose a deep colour, from navy to mustard yellow, or earthy green to pillar box red.
Cost: expect to pay upwards of £400 for a quality exterior door. Exterior paint can be a little more expensive both worth investing in branded products. Allow a budget of £40 for paint, primer, sandpaper.

#3 Clean the deck

Cleaning may not strike you as a home renovation but swabbing down the deck, the patio or the driveway is a worthwhile exercise. Renovations are about appearance, creating the right impressions and adding detail to your home that allows you to enjoy it more.
Designers have been telling us for years to marry the interior and exterior of our homes and so investing in new patio doors – or go the whole hog and invest in uber-stylish bi-folding doors – is worthwhile.
But their effect is diminished if you don’t have a pleasant outside space.
Cost: minimal. A decent power washer, great for hard landscaping such as concrete and patio flags but not so great for wooden decking, start from £90 upwards. Other than that, it is a stiff bristled brush, water, an eco-friendly detergent and plenty of elbow grease.

#4 Update the floors

If your flooring has seen better days, then a weekend on your knees either ripping up carpet, sanding down floors boards or laying down some Tongue and groove flooring is a worthwhile investment of time and money.
It makes your home smell better and can also be a gift when it comes to keeping your home hygienically clean too.
Cost: varies depending on the flooring you are using and the size of the room. 

#5 Get Techny

Smart homes are not just for the modern, new built structures. With a few gadgets, you too can have a home that responds to voice commands.
From smart thermostats for controlling heat in your home, to ‘home assistants’ that can turn kettles on and turn off lights even when you are not home, all make your home a far more comfortable space. Better still, you don’t need to Bill gates to understand the technology and can be set up and running in minutes.
Cost: smart thermostats start from £150 depending on the brand but can save you 25% on your annual heating bill, a worthwhile renovation if ever there was one. New tech rarely comes cheap but if it is a fixed addition to your home, potential buyers will fall in love with the small details.

Balustrade Components help their customers to update their homes with the fixtures and fittings that offer function and style. Connect with them on Twitter to stay ahead of development @balustradecomps.

 Have you any home renovation tips? Would love to hear some of your ideas! :)

- Collaborative Post

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