Friday, 6 April 2018


Last month Scott and I celebrated our ten year anniversary - ten years. Don’t get me wrong , we have had our ups and downs, break ups , we could of probably been on an episode of Jeremy Kyle at one stage of our relationship! :) , but to know that we overcome all the challenges and crap that has been thrown at our relationship in them years in amazing!

We didn’t celebrate it as in go out for a meal, wine , blah blah blah- I wish we could but we just don’t have any childcare what so ever which is a shame as I do really miss quality time just me and him.   We got each other a little gift , I had a bracelet personalised for him, which I might add doesn’t bloody fit! Men! :) and he got me a pandora ring which is absolutely stunning .

We actually met when we were 15 on AOL chat room, yes i am old! who remembers the AOL chatrooms?, we became good friends but never actually met in person until many years later.

I had my first daughter Kadiann ,from a previous relationship and we would talk about how she was getting on, and work, the usually chit chat. If you would of told me that by 2018 i would have been settled down with him and had two children with him, i would of never believed you!

He use to keep me company by texting me on my night shifts at work, and honestly, when i look back on all the years we have had, it seems to have gone by so fast!

We got together, eventually :), when Kadiann was 4 years old, she doesn't see her biological dad so Scott has taken her own, mouth and all :). They argue like cat and dog, typical father daughter :)

I love our mad little family, we are a crazy unconventional bunch, but i wouldn't want it any other way! Heres to another 10 years...and more, we have even joked about going to las vegas and getting married on a whim! Watch this space :)

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