Wednesday, 4 April 2018


When the half term kicks in, I always dread it. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love the girls being off school and we have so much fun , but I am not kidding when I say the food consumption literally doubles!.

To think it’s only an extra meal at lunchtime to cater for as they would usually have their lunch at school, but no , it’s a snack after breakfast, a ‘treat’ for getting dressed, you name it , my girls come out with it in order to get an extra treat here or there.

Being a family of five we set budgets and have really been trying to stick to them this year, especially as we are saving for a 2 week abroad holiday next year :) . I have come up with my top 5 treat ideas for any half term or school holiday , or even just an after dinner dessert.

The healthiest and easiest one we have is yoghurt fruit salad  - now I know your probably thinking , yoghurt and fruit a treat? But the girls love this of an evening. We all pick our flavoured yoghurt - vanilla goes best! And then we all decide which fruit we want and we set the bowls up like a canvay belt and tip our yoghurt in, cut up all the fruit in little pieces , mix together and job done!

Rocky road - I only started making rocking road at the beginning of the year , I was looking for treats to make for when the girls got home from school and come across rocky road. It looked so simple to make and you can add any little treats in to make it to your liking. The recipe for ours is here if you fancy recreating it :)

Sweet bags. My girls love choosing a sweet bag that I have made up from the treat cupboard . I stock the treat box up every month with little cakes and jam tarts and make my own little pick and mix bags  . Sweets are so expensive in the shops so I find ordering wholesale tubs of Haribo sweets and dividing them into little bags is so much more cost effective and there are so many different sweets to choose from!.

Homemade ice- cream, this one is so quick to make , it literally takes seconds. What I like to do when my fruit is on its last legs is to freeze it and save it for homemade ice cream. A frozen banana, handful of spinach,splash of milk and a dash of chocolate sauce in the blender and in seconds you have delicious banana and chocolate ice cream, and honestly is so creamy!

Lastly is baby Nila's favourite! - she is 9 months old and absolutely loves pancakes . One banana mashed and an egg , mix together and it makes the most sweet and delicious pancakes for babies. Nila loves them and there is no need for any sugar or anything to sweeten them up as the banana is all the sweetness it needs .

I hope my tips get you through the half term or give you some inspiration for snacks for the children. I’d love to know if you try out any of my ideas and what the kiddies think :)

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