Wednesday, 16 January 2019


The weather has been rubbish lately and we’ve had nothing but rain so we’ve pulled out the rainy day box from the craft cupboard and set the table up for some messy play

The girls love messy play and if there’s slime or gloop involved them they are definitely all ears :)

I decided to get the Geli world Dino set out from Zimpli kids . The girls love Zimpli kids and they have so many different and fun things for kids in the range , there’s so much to choose from.

They’ve had the Dino set for a few weeks now and a rainy day was the excuse we needed to get it out  and explore with the dinosaurs . Nila is obsessed with dinosaurs so I knew she would love it!

The pack contains

- an inflatable tray to set up your Dino world in

- 5 bags of green geli

- 8x assorted dinosaur figures

To create your own miniature dinosaur world , all you need to do is add the powdered mixture to your inflatable tray . Add the water , give it a mix and sit back and watch the geli magic happen.

I knew Alessia would love this as she loves creative play and making scenes anyway, and she’s always setting up different role play sprites in her room with her figures , safe to say she loved this one!

Nila loves anything gloopy and I think this play activity is the perfect sensory play too. It encourages little ones to feel different textures and different colours . Also depending if you use cold or warm water , that can add to the sensory experience.

It was a hit for both of the kiddies and I know we will be getting this out again very soon. Come rain or shine :)

The girls have loved creating their prehistoric dinosaur world and I’d definitely recommend the set for any birthdays coming up. Retailing at £14.99 it’s definitely an affordable present for any geli lovers out there .

-We were sent this product in exchange for an honest review

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