Tuesday, 19 March 2019


All three of the girls absolutely love crafts and getting stuck into anything messy. I know quite a few parents who actually dread crafts with their children as it shouts out to them mess and mayhem but there are so many different things out there and not all of it is messy! :)

We have been huge fans of playmais for as long as I can remember. It has always been a firm favourite in our house and the girls have hours of fun with it , making their own designs or following the ones provided in the Kits.

We were kindly set some playmais from DKL Toys  to enjoy over the weekend and seeing as the weather has been full of rain! It makes the perfect rainy day activity.

The girls got sent the pastel coloured set , which is lovely now that springs is just around the corner and the cookies are beautiful.

This set includes over 1000 playmais pieces, a cutter , some cute designs you can use and some felt. The girls do prefer to use scissors when working with playmais as they like to shape their pieces a little better.

I blame that on me - I’m such a perfectionist and I think they’ve caught the bug :)

Playmais does state from ages 3+ which is due to the choking hazard but we let Nila loose a little and she loved dipping the playmais in the water and sticking it down - she did originally think they were crisps, which was quite funny! Always thinking of food that one .

The girls made some lovely pictures and also made some for their friends at school.

The sets retail from as little as £2.49, which makes great birthday gifts or stocking fillers and also great pocket money treats . There are endless designs and sets to choose from and you can just keep adding to your collection :)

-We were kindly set this product in exchange for an honest review

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