Tuesday, 7 May 2019


The weekend has been glorious . It’s lovely the sun is now starting to come out and the girls love nothing more than to go outside and play in the sunshine .

We haven’t lived in this house long . If you have followed us for a while then you will know one thing I wanted when we moved was a big garden for the children and we definitely have that.

Although we have the garden we’ve always wanted it does need work to it and now the weather is that little bit warmer , we can now get out and get the garden ready for the summer .

Weve recently bought the girls some stuff to entertain them outside while we get working - the tuff tray, which honestly bring hours of fun, we’ve filled it up with water , sand - it’s so versatile. Nana and Grandad surprised them with a trampoline too so they have been bouncing away while we have been getting down and dirty.

My worst enemy - weeds! I can not stand weeds and getting rid of them was my number one priority . I think de weeding can transform your garden completely , and the garden actually looks ten times bigger now I’ve de weeded.

We’ve actually got a tool that gets into the nooks and crannies of pavement slabs to clear  the weeds out. It’s a brilliant little tool and cuts the job down by half as it is effortless.

We’ve got rid of the rubbish. I know I’m not the only way that stores the excessive recycling boxes in the garden. I’m sure we have more people living in this home that I don’t know about as we have so much recycling!

It tends to get stored in the garden and forgot about so we’ve cleared up all the rubbish and anything else that has been in the garden lurking around.

You might have some unwanted pests lurking in the garden, that have decided to make it their home. We had such a bad time with rats, as we live on the back of a farm, which was very hard to get rid of. If you need any advice or help for your pesky pests then visit https://www.pestcontrolexperts.com/ or similar websites to get professional help!.

We love gardening and have found the garden tool website to be a great place to pick up some tips :) . We have just bought some strawberry hanging plants which the girls are so excited to look after so they can watch the strawberries grow :)

What’s the weather like where you are ? I’d love to know if you are in the process of getting your garden ready for summ! Bring on the sunshine :)

-This is a collaboration post

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