Sunday, 5 May 2019


What can I say? Another blogon and i am absolutely shattered! :) It has been an eventful weekend to say the least and I have througholoy enjoyed it.

If you are not familiar with blogon then it is a blogging conference I go every year . You can read about my weekend in Manchester blogon toys here  . They have two conferences a year - September and May. I don’t go to the May one but this time I had heard that Lush were going to be there and if you have followed me for a while then you will know I had to be there!.

Mezz drove me up Saturday first thing to get there ready for check in at 9am and I stayed with my lovely friend Claire at this mummy rocks for the night as there was an after party after the conference.

We got there in good time and I’m not going to lie , I am always nervous . I think it’s just a natural thing . Whether you’ve been 5 times or once , you will always feel a little bit of nervous VTR also super excited.

I dropped my stuff off at the hotel and we headed for check in. We had some breakfast and a few before the seminars started but my aim was to head straight to Lush :) . The brand den , which is where all the PR’s are just smelt of lush! It was like walking into my local shopping centre , made me happy ha!

We got to discuss the new naked products and which serums would be beneficial to my skin. It was a lovely talk and the cleansers and serums smelt incredible . I am really looking forward to working with them in the future.

The seminars were very good! and I made more notes then I thought I would. I’ve got a lot of advice and things to improve on through the talks , which are going to help me improve so much on my blog and  it has given more the motivation and confidence to know how to .

Prosecco was flowing thanks to the Co-Op, I might of had more than my fair share but it was rude not to. The guys at the co op stand were  very welcoming and we talked about all the new launches for the co op including the gorgeous sour dough pizzas that we got to sample - delish!

I liked the fact that there were some small , local independent companies too- a lovely lady from not to far from me who set up her own energy balls company, with all natural , wholesome ingredients . They were really yummy and I took some recipe cards to re create some of them at home - the mince pie ones sound amazing.

We had lunch and a gossip with the blogging locals - I love catching up with the girls . Some of us live hours and hours away from each other so blogon is lovely to just grab a brew on your break and catch up on all the gossip and share notes.

We had a blogon bakenoff , which I missed! I missed out on cake for god sake - I wasn’t impressed but my two friends came third which was really exciting! Although I wanted them to win, the cake was definitely a work of art.

There were so many lovely brands to chat to and I even sat and had a gin cocktail with one . The atmosphere is so relaxed it’s a lovely environment to be in and super welcoming.

A few of us headed to Wagamamas for dinner before the after party and I love me a katsu curry. Not many were at the party but I think we were all knackered to be honest :) we went and had the best night.

We ended up leaving hotel football at 5.45am ! The night just went away with us and by the time we knew it , the sun was coming up.

It has been so lovely . I’m glad to see the girlies though and they have been raiding the goody bag and absolutely love it.

Thank you to all the staff and brands who put in a wonderful day. Really can’t wait for September one .

Do let me know if you are going :)

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