Sunday, 16 June 2019


Today has been a very impromptu day. Don’t you just love days like that? Especially if it’s a certain occasion, some times it can get so stressful when really letting the day flow is always the best!.

The girls woke Mezz up with his cards and presents. We got some really cool cards sent to us for the older two to give to him and they really made him laugh :) .

Nila made a fish card at playgroup and I’m sure she must of used the whole entire sequin tray on it - you can’t say it isn’t colourful :)

We had a coffee and a very slow morning just playing with the girls . Just the way we all like it . We did some crafts while daddy had a soak in the bath and we decided to go out for father’s day lunch. I was planning on cooking but Mezz said let’s just get out as a family.

We haven’t gone out to eat as a family for a long time! . Being a family of five , dinner out can get expensive, so we rarely do it anymore , but we all really fancied a carvary so we headed to the best place on earth for it!

They were fully booked and we were literally about to leave when they called us back over and let us have a table that hadn’t been taken. Lucky! We had a lovely dinner , I’ve got a thing about Christmas dinner at the minute , don’t ask me why , and NO I am not pregnant ! :)

So I had turkey and cranberry sauce - was delicious!. We were all stuffed but we got cakeaway to take home . Carrot cake for me as it is my absolute favourite. Mezz had cheesecake and Alessia and Nila chocolate eclair, Kay didn’t want one and then changed her mind when we got home - typical teenager.

We headed to Freeport shopping afterwards to get daddy some new trainers and football boots. He has needed some for ages but never treats him self so we got them both today - he was super chuffed :)

We ended the day with toy story and a nice hot brew. It’s been lovely and I hope you’ve all had a lovely day whatever you have been upto :)

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