Friday, 14 June 2019


I can not believe today is here already. Kadiann has officially left school. It really doesn’t seem that long ago to when I was going into school for dress up days with you or going in for baking mornings.

These past 16 years have gone by so fast and you are now a little adult - I say little , but we all know you tower over my short arse :) .

I really can’t express how proud I am of you and how amazing you have done in school, even though it hasn’t been an easy journey.

We’ve had issues with schools and then homeschooling and then a whole new school completely - it’s been hard for you but you have done amazingly well and really worked hard for what you have wanted.

I know you have been waiting for this day for a long time! :) and you have made it . GCSE’S are done and you can finally breath and relax. Prom dress has been bought , finally! and I can not wait to see you on prom night .

That will be it then , no more school and on to the future . I’m so proud that you have already set yourself up for college and you know what you want in life .

Kay you are so hard working and determined to succeed, don’t let anyone or anything get in your way of that. Whether it’s boys or friends or anything. You are ambitious and you are going to go so far , keep that head up and you can do it .

We have now  and up until September for girls shopping days , Costa lunches , Netflix binges and fingers crossed a hot summer to make some amazing memories.

I love you kay and I am always here for you. You’ve got this! Xx

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