Thursday, 15 August 2019


Sometimes we are so worried about having the ‘perfect’ day and spending a fortune on the best day out that we seem to look pass the simple small things that can make one of the best days.

The rain has been pouring down all day- it literally hasn’t stopped , and I’ll be honest, it made me feel miserable at first. We can’t go out girls, we will have to stay in..

But we’ve had such a lovely slow day , and I think sometimes these are the best ones.

We started the morning with hot teas and snuggles under the blankets on the sofa watching the rain. We’ve taught Nila the ‘rain , rain go away’ song  , so we sing it every time it rains - which I’ll admit ,is most days this summer holidays.

We stayed in our pjs until lunchtime and had a kitchen disco listening to Alvin and the chipmunks sound track. The girls love dancing and we love our little kitchen discos.

The girls spent the afternoon making tons and tons of beautiful pictures with the paints. It’s one of the girl’s favourite things to do and she always points to the craft cupboard for the paint. We have all sorts - stampers , finger paints - they opted for the baker Ross ready made paints today and yes there was mess but mess always means they’ve had fun :)

The dinosaurs have been out and the blocks. We’ve had popcorn and movies.

We’ve ended the night with a bubble bath and some packing as we go on holiday on a Saturday to Wales for the week and although the rain is heading that way - we are all super excited !

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