Saturday 28 September 2019


Someone once said to me when I was pregnant with my first daughter Kadiann, that my
body would ‘never be the same again’ , and honestly that worried me .

Kadiann is my eldest , she is 16 now and back then , it was all first time parent books and how to books, nothing to do with how your body is going to change and actually coming to terms with it.

I was a size 8 and put on a lot of weight with my first pregnancy and had the most stretch marks I had ever seen on anyone - why me I thought! By the way - no amount of bio oil or palmers coca butter is going to prevent them , trust me ! :)

Fast forward to giving birth to all three of my girls and my body has definitely been through the works. Growing three babies is incredible and will obviously change your body , but learning to love it and accept it isn’t always easy, but knowing we have all struggled with postpartum body issues can be comforting.

Knix founder Joanna Griffith's found herself frustrated with all the messages about dieting and working out whilst struggling with breastfeeding and the other challenges of ‘the fourth trimester’. She wanted to share a new kind of message with mums .

‘You are perfect as you are , you are supported and you are seen. I absolutely love this message and it really does need to be shared all over the world ! :) . I think if I had heard this years ago, it would of really helped me to accept and love myself and know that I wasn’t alone.

 Knix’s Postpartum bodies collection is part of the life after birth project , and it has the most incredible and quite powerful photos in its collection. Looking through them has really made me think about how I feel and treat my body and it really is in fact a beautiful thing.

Self care also has a big part of loving your postpartum body, for me anyway. Pampering yourself , run a nice bubble bath with some candles , a cup of tea or a glass of wine . Pop in some of your favourite bath oils and really indulge.

Bubble baths , freshly painted nails and some really nice lingerie always makes me feel good , and you should feel good too. Treat yourself and chuck away all the pre pregnancy bras and go out and buy something pretty :)

I’d love to hear about your postpartum bodies and how Amazing they are :)

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