Sunday, 6 October 2019


How are we in October already!, Autumn already and doesn’t it feel like it . We’ve already put the heating on and the candles have made an appearance too.

Yesterday the girls and I took a trip into town , we haven’t had a girls day out shopping in so long and they are in desperate need for some autumn/winter bits for their wardrobe.

Our town over the last year and a half has really improved , and we’ve had some new shops to- H&M, which is my absolute favourite for the younger two. We headed out around 10.30 and didn’t actually get home until 6pm.

We had a lovely day . We stopped off at costa for a ‘break’, and Nila had her first babycinno :) . Primark was quite good for Alessia . They’ve got some lovely denim skirts in , which will go lovely with some tights and boots.

Alessia is 10 now and her fashion sense is changing now where as I’d normally just pick her some clothes where she now wants to dress differently and not ‘babyish’ , she’s a little lady now and it is so cute.

Kadiann managed to find some boots that she has fallen in love with . She’s really tall so hates anything with a heel and these boots are definitely going to be a staple for her winter wardrobe - lined aswell, so super cosy!.

We ended up in macdonalds for tea as a treat ( and to rest our legs :) ) , and we were definitely ready for bed by the time we got home.

Cups of tea , warm milk and snuggles in bed !

I’ve ordered some more bits today off H&M that wasn’t in store and I’ll definitely do a haul on our YouTube channel so if you fancy having a nose then definitely check us out :)

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