Thursday, 12 December 2019


This morning it was Nila’s Christmas party at her playgroup , and honestly she was so excited for it - she couldn’t wait .

We have been going to this playgroup now for over a year and she absolutely loves it . She loves all her little friends and I truly believe groups like this really do encourage independence in little ones and help with their development loads!.

Anyway - She wanted to wear her deer Christmas dress and her boots like mummy , even though they are not ‘running around chasing boyfriends’ friendly but hey ho ! :)

She went straight to the craft table like she does every week and made an alien Rudolph with tons of eyes!. I love how her imagine just runs away with her . She could craft for hours .

Then it was snack time and the mums all chipped in and brought something - we had pizza , crisps, biscuits , raisins , Rudolph cakes , it was so lovely and all the kids really enjoyed tucking in .

We ended the session with songs and Nila’s favourite at the minute - twinkle twinkle little star. She’s had a lovely party and is absolutely flat out now , I love a good nap time .

Off to make myself a brew and a well deserved mince pie :)

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