Thursday, 26 November 2020


 Reading and books in this house are so important and all of my girls are absolute book worms.

I definitely say they take after me , and seeing me reading all the time and having story time and stories before bed since they were little has definitely given them a love for books.

Reading runs in our family and I got my love for books from my mum and the girls have done the same from me.

We are always on the look out for new books to add to our collection and we were kindly gifted the Little unicorn discovers the dinosaur by Ladey and Abbirose , who are actually mother and daughter :)

The story is about a little unicorn who watches a mysterious egg hatch , to find that their is a baby dinosaur inside , who is really hungry and lost.

The little unicorn helps the dinosaur on their way to find some food, and on their journey they bump into all kinds of different dinosaurs.

If you’ve followed us for a while then you will already know that Nila is absolutely mad on dinosaurs and unicorns and she loved this story!

The book is aimed at 2-8 year olds , which is the perfect age range to learn all the different dinosaurs in the book .

The story also features different science topics , including rocks and soil , links to geography and omnivores, carnivores and herbivores.

The beautiful illustrations and colours will have your little ones hooked and fascinated by all the fun facts about dinosaurs too and is fully with guided reading pages and colouring in :)

This book would make a lovely gift this Christmas. You could always buy a little unicorn or dinosaur like Nilas one and make it even more of a special Christmas gift :)

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