Tuesday, 9 February 2021


When it comes to Valentine’s , we automatically think of gifting to each other , what you’ll be getting your other half for Valentine’s Day or will you be getting that gift you’ve wanted for ages?.

Valentine’s Day is definitely an excuse for self love and spending on yourself. I don’t know about you but we all love an online shopping spree around here :)

You really haven’t got to tell us twice when it comes to treating ourselves, it’s definitely important and makes you feel good!, especially with lockdown still very current!.

Clothes shopping is our favourite hobby at the minute , I know you’ll all agree!. We’ve picked up some really cute pieces and thought I’d share them with you .

Loving the comfy and cosy feels as we have had snow again for the 6th time this year , it literally looks like a winter wonderland outside most weeks!.

You can’t beat a bubble bath with your favourite lush bath bomb, a face mask and getting into some comfy bits to relax in all day  . I love this baby pink colour , perfect for this coming spring too!.

My absolute fav is this brown black patterned long sleeve jumper. It is lush and so soft and comfortable.

Pair it up with some of these black high waisted leggings and you’ve got the perfect Valentine’s outfit - let’s be honest , we all love a few selfies don’t we ?, and I love getting dressed up and taking pictures.

I’ve also got the black set and there are quite a few more different colours to choose from, one for everyday of the week - perfect! :)

I’d love to know what you are doing for YOU, this Valentine’s, as you definitely deserve a special treat and a pamper ...


  1. Some lovely pieces of clothing here. I really like that pink loungewear set - it is such a lovely colour and looks so comfy.

  2. Love the tops and the leggings. Simple but stunning outfits - they're always the best. Plus I agree - who doesn't love a bath bomb and face mask, chill night-in, that was me today lol x

  3. Lovely clothes, definitely worth treating yourself to some of those. :)

  4. They do have some lovely clothes, and why not give yourself a treat for Valentines Day or any day for that matter x

  5. I do love the lounge wear, I seem to be stocking up on them every month.

  6. Nice outfits, lovely getting ready.

  7. Uggggh, all these outfits look so lush! I LOVE cropped jumpers - as a bigger girl, I always avoided cropped clothing, but I have to say that I blooming love it now. Especially with some high waisted jeans/leggings/lounge pants.
