Friday, 5 February 2021


Yay for another Friday. I honestly live for the weekends, even though during the week we are doing well with home schooling and routines , it’s always so lovely to have a break isn’t it!.

Every Friday the nursery do a feel good Friday assembly where we get to have a little boogie, listen to a story from a mystery guest and also get to see who the stars of the week are.

Homeschooling has definitely come with its struggles. Nila only started nursery in September and it took her a long time to settle in, but she ended up absolutely loving it and made so many best friends.

Then to start home learning and not going to school was all so confusing for her , but she now understands that their is a virus and we have to stay home to keep safe .

Anyway enough blabbering!, Nila got home learner of the week award today for all her hard work and i couldn’t be any more proud of her.

She has come on leaps and bounds during lockdown learning . She can now write her name and is doing incredible with her phonics .

Some days she just really isn’t interested but we always turn it around and she ends up having the biggest smile on her face and so happy with her work.

We are having a Macdonalds tea treat tonight and going to spend the weekend having lots of fun on the wii and having a well deserved rest .

Hope you all have a lovely weekend! 


  1. Well Done Nila, that's such a great achievement especially because having to adjust to home-school and not be distracted while all comfy at home is a feat in itself. Enjoy the treat x

  2. Well done Nila on your award! I hope you all enjoyed your McDonalds treat tea!

  3. Congrats to Nila on learner of the week, I'm glad she's progressed well as it must be tough with the change being at home x

  4. Congratulations to Nila, how wonderful to be recognised for her hard work! Also yes so glad the weekend is here again

  5. my kids have started to struggle with being in the house all the time and not seeing their friends. So we had a nice chippy tea on Friday as a treat.

  6. Well done to Nila! That is an awesome achievement to get, home learning must be really hard for some kids too!
