Wednesday, 3 March 2021


 The sun has been showing it’s face over the last week and it’s been so lovely . We’ve been out in the garden and the girls have loved being back outside in the sunshine :)

I set them up a slime station and I thought I’d share it with you , as the tuff tray ideas on my blog were really popular last year and I thought I’d continue them as they are great for kids and endless amounts of play can be had with them too.

The slime station is so easy to set up and all you need is a pack of the geli baff, we don’t use this in the bath because it sometimes aggravates Nila’s eczema on her legs so I decided to use it for the slime station and it went really well.

You can actually turn the geli baff into slime but adding lots more water to the solution and leaving it for a little bit to do it’s magic! :)

I opted for the blue as typical geli and did the red one as proper slime and the girls absolutely loved it , they spent hours outside making concoctions and seeing how far the slime would stretch. 

It’s also great for sensory play  and exploring the different textures.

I added some spoons and measuring cups and bowls to the tuff tray so they could use their imagination and just have fun with it , and it was an absolute hit!.

You can pick the geli baff up everywhere , in most supermarkets and on Amazon , and if you’ve not got a tuff tray then they can be purchased on Amazon along with the stand .

I hope you enjoyed this idea and do let me know if you decide to recreate this slime station :) 


  1. What a great idea! Keep slime in one place! We've tried Geli baff before, it's so much fun for younger kids!

  2. What a great idea to keep little hands busy. It actually looks magical and love how you've used the Geli Baff!

  3. oh my that looks like hours of fun and so good that they all have different textures as well - kind regards Pati robins

  4. ooo I didn't know you could do this with geli baff, I'm a childminder and the kids love any kind of messy play so this is a great hack, thanks

  5. This is super cute, we have had some lovely weather this past week too hope it continues.

  6. I love these products and remember my kids loving them, now I am loving these ideas with my grandkids

  7. I need one of these in my life. My daughter is really into playing with kinetic sand and it gets all over our table. Definitely a must for slime sessions too.

  8. I think tuff trays are such a great idea to stimulate kids minds and let them play, the slime looks like a lot of fun x

  9. This looks so fun!! I know my kids would love to play with these geli baff and create slime using them as well

  10. We love this stuff. We bought a tuff tray last year and it's so good for everything from crafts to full on messy play. We most recently made cornflour gloop which was very messy, but the kids loved it!

  11. I love the idea of a slime station, it looks like a lot of fun! We have some slime so I think I should give it a go!

  12. Oh this looks like so much fun! I can't wait for more outdoor games as spring starts.
