Wednesday, 22 September 2021


 If there is one item of skincare that should be used more, it is SPF. We remember to slather the kids with SPF in the heat of the summer, but we forget ourselves. 

Photo by Mustafa KÜÇÜK on Unsplash

While tackling our skincare and makeup routine in the morning, SPF is often left out. Or the SPF provided in our foundation is relied upon.

But the truth is SPF should be your best friend all year. 

No matter what the weather is like or the season, putting SPF on your face can protect your skin from many issues. 

But why do you need SPF? And why should you make sure you use it every day without fail?

It’s For Everyone

One of the most important things to note is that no matter what your skin tone is, SPF is for you too. All skin types are prone to skin damage from the sun; it’s just we are more likely to see it on people with paler skin. 

The difference is that some sun cream brands specialise in sun creams that provide nourishment and protection for people with more melanin. 

Ideally, you should be using sun protectors with a minimum of 30 SPF - no matter your skin tone. 


If you are using anti-ageing creams like moisturisers and retinol products, you are diminishing the work they have done so far by skipping SPF. 

The UV rays from the sun cause sun spots, fine lines, wrinkles, and premature ageing. 

Using an SPF daily will ensure that all of the other products you are using get to do their job without being extra tricky because of UV damage. 

We have all seen the skin from someone who has spent a lot of time in the sun without sun protection; the skin becomes leathery and discoloured. 

Set an example

Our children look to us as an example. It might not be obvious, but how we live our lives and take care of ourselves will be noticed. 

If you set an example always to protect your skin - and theirs - from the sun, they will do the same as they grow up. Knowing that the sun can cause a range of skin issues and health issues is essential.

This seemingly small act will help to reduce the likelihood of skin cancers for you all too. 

All seasons

Just because the winter and autumn aren’t as hot as the summer doesn’t mean there isn’t a risk of sun damage. 

Applying SPF all year round is the only way to ensure that you are correctly protected from the potential damage of the sun. 

Many people only apply SPF during the summer holidays because they are spending more time in the sun. However, the school pick-up, heading to the shop and even hanging washing on the line is all sun exposure. 

Applying your SPF in the morning, as part of your routine means that you won’t need to work about it - perhaps all you’ll need to remember is to reapply later in the day!

Are you looking for more ways to feel great? Check out How to feel good in your own skin  :)

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