Thursday, 9 December 2021


 Netflix is definitely my go to and I love that they bring out their seasonal stuff so I can add it to my watch list and this months is giving me all the festive vibes and I am SO excited for Christmas.


We are actually going to watch this one tonight as it’s been on my watch list. It’s giving me the jingle all the way vibes as the dad decides to not pay for the click and collect toy as it’s gone up in price but now can’t find one anywhere . 


I have seen this one 3 times already and absolutely love it!. A girl is rubbish when it comes to dating so finds love on a dating app which turns out to be a catfish. I won’t spoil the ending but it’s a happy one , but a funny Christmas romance film which I am all here for.


I dont think Netflix have released this one before and last year I spent ages trying to find it without having to pay for it on virgin!. It’s my ultimate Christmas favourite and such a Christmas love classic.


This is a family favourite- I must admit , I prefer the second one, but they are both as equally loved and are the perfect family Christmas movies. Saving Christmas and believing in Santa. Snuggle up on the sofa for this sequel.


Me and Kadiann went to the cinema when this came out and loved it. On a journey on finding herself and Christmas spirit , she gets a second chance at life . Trust me when I say you need tissues for this one.


Last but not least is Angela’s Christmas. We watch it so much over December. It’s only a little half hour story about Angela taking the baby Jesus doll from the church to keep him warm and the trouble she gets into along the way, but it is Nilas absolute favourite and a tradition for us to watch a million times over Christmas:)

I’d love to know if you have any Netflix Christmas recommendations or any favourites this year 

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