Wednesday, 15 February 2023


 I haven’t been feeling great over the past few days and it’s really not been fun. I’ve been feeling more and more of a funk as each day goes by and I really wanted to document it and try and change the way I feel and think at the minute.

It’s horrible when something happens and changes your happiness and good days and you just can’t get out of that horrible funk right?.

I wanted to share 5 things I am grateful for and that make me happy right now as it ain’t all doom and gloom!.

Remember to count your blessings and appreciate the things in life that you have, however little or big they are :)

The girls  

Cliche right?, but the girls honestly can get me out of anything, it’s almost like magic. The silly things Nila does and says will have me forgetting how sad I feel in a second.

If I’m feeling a little low , Alessia will come and give me a cuddle like she knows it’s one of them days.

I am so grateful for the little family I have created and how close we are.

My Job 

Being freelance and working from home too gives me so much flexibility and being able to do the school run and not miss school plays or being able to go to the gym before I log on for work is such a blessing.

 I am very grateful that I am able to do that and have such a lovely boss who lets that be possible :)


If you know you know, I have an obsession with coffee, Starbucks in particular! :) I feel very blessed that I am able to treat myself to a Starbucks every week. 

With the cost of living and everything going up, being able to still get my Starbucks treat every week is definitely a luxury for some and I am very appreciative that I am in the position to be able to have that still.

Our Evening Snuggles

Once dinner is done and it’s time to go upstairs , Nila will get into my bed for snuggles , a cup of tea and some YouTube and i honestly look forward to the evenings.

She prefers snuggling in my bed before she sleeps as she says she loves being close to me which makes my heart melt, she is such a cutie. 


I am currently sitting eating it whilst writing this post and it’s delicious!.

A good bowl of porridge makes me so happy and I am hear for it everyday!. My current two favourites are chocolate porridge from protein world with bananas. I have a code 40% off PWKIRA if you wanted to get yourself some.

The one I’m eating today is original porridge with cinnamon,stewed apples and natural Greek yoghurt - so good!.

Have a little think this week of what makes you happy , I’d love to know :) 

1 comment:

  1. Ahh! I was in a bit of a fun at the end of January, counting your blessings and finding things to be grateful for really makes you realise how good things really are.
    What wonderful things to be grateful for. x
