Wednesday 7 August 2024


 Summer is in full swing here in the UK, finally, the better weather always has me feeling much more positive, having a better mindset and wanting to update my vision board. It is definitely all them natural -happy dopamines from the glorious sunshine :)

If you have followed me for a while then you will know my love for all things manifesting and the power of a good mindset so vision boards are something I have had and been doing for many years now.


A vision board in simple terms is a visual representation of your goals, dreams, aspirations and typically anything you need help with achieving. They normally consist of images, words, and powerful phrases that are arranged on whatever you are using as your 'board'  to inspire and motivate you to achieve your outcomes. 

I have made boards on big canvas blocks, on my phone and even on pieces of paper. It's not about how fancy your board looks, it's about how powerful your vision and belief in them are.

The Vision Board Template Book from Manifestation Pulse is a great book with tons of template ideas for all visions. Each template is designed to focus on specific areas such as personal growth, relationships, career and finances and Lifestyle and Hobbies. 


Whether you are using a cork board, your phone or one of the templates from the vision board templates books.

Spend some time reflecting on what you want to achieve. Consider all areas of your life. These can be as big or as small as you wish them to me. One of my goals is to get to the gym more and every time I see my Apple headphones it reminds me of the gym. Make your goals personal to what you need to get out of your board.

Look through magazines or online sources for images and words that resonate with your goals. I am focusing on passing my driving test so have printed out a picture of my hand holding my car keys. My new social media management business is flourishing so I am adding my business cards on as well as a few other things.

Arrange the images and words on your board in a way that feels right to you. There's no wrong way to do this—it's a personal and creative process. Once you're happy with the layout, glue or save everything in its place.

Place your vision board somewhere you'll see it regularly, such as your bedroom, office or a frequently used space. This will help keep your goals at the forefront of your mind. Mine is right opposite my bed so every evening when I'm reading I glance at it and it's the last thing I see before I dream.

I hope this gives you some inpsiration and the templates from the book ignite your creative side when it comes to the perfect vision board for you :)


  1. Such a good idea. I need to try vision boards for my goals too.

  2. I love the idea of a vision board, it just keeps me focused on the goals. I've been doing it for years and love it.

  3. You just gave me an idea. I may make a vision board in the classroom related to academics!

  4. I have never made a vision board but it sounds like a fantastic way to see your goals! Thank you for sharing.

  5. I love the idea of creating a vision board! Whenever I organize my day to day routine.... versus just winging it...I am much more productive and this seems super beneficial! I may have to try it myself :)

  6. I love making a vision board, so fun to do and it really works for me!
