Monday, 7 October 2024


Making a house a home doesn't have to cost the earth. Simple changes can completely transform a room in the home and give it that new lease of life, all on a budget.

We are revamping a few rooms in the house over the next few months, I don't know what it is about this time of year but it is almost like a nesting period, all the comfy and cosy feels and new beginnings. The Autumn equinox for me feels like the start of a new year, out with the old and in with the new.

We bought Nila a Barbie dream house last year for Christmas, if you have one then you will know, them houses are massive!. She already has a kallax unit in her room, her bed and the dreamhouse, no room to swing a cat is an understatement.

We decided on a high sleeper, perfect to pop the dreamhouse under and create a new space for play, and to swing that cat :)

Nila loves all things cosy and has had a part to play in revamping the bedroom. She has kept her walls white, she loves a poster and wall art so we have updated her pictures on the walls, and changed her blinds and curtains and it looks like such a grown-up room now.

When your little ones grow up and they know what they want, it is the most loveliest feeling but definitely bittersweet.

She has been asking for a rug for her room for the longest time and now she is of that age where it won't be covered in her artwork, toddlers and pens are a nightmare right? we still have her signature on the kitchen wall from when she was 2 :)

A fluffy rug, like the one in the caravan on holiday, is all she has requested. On the hunt for one and found the perfect teddy faux sheepskin rug from Terrys. We chose the colour rose as her photo frames are rose and it works so well with the accessories in the bedroom.

Made from 100% polyester, it is super soft and luxurious, without any use of animal products. 

Sinking your feet into it feels like you are walking on clouds - it is the perfect addition to her new bedroom.

She has also made a sad corner under her bed with the extra space - she says if she is feeling sad she can snuggle under there with her blankets and read. She is such a kindred spirit and honestly, melts my heart.

That is Nila's room done and under budget which is music to my ears. Next is Alessia's room, let's hope I can get it all done and ready for Christmas!.

- Gifted Rug


  1. Having a new rug can really change the look of a space and make it feel so different! We also love wall stickers to feel quite different.

  2. My granddaughter just painted her bed purple Changes the whole vibe of the room. It's cute

  3. I love changing my rug or my bed set when I feel like I need a reboot. These are all fantastic tips that I will be sure to remember!
