Friday, 22 November 2024



There are around 7,000 breakdowns every day in the UK. Breakdowns are extremely inconvenient and expensive but, most of all can be extremely frightening, especially at high speeds. On top of taking your car for an annual service and MOT, looking after your car’s components on a regular basis will ensure your vehicle remains in top condition, helping you to prevent future breakdowns.


Whilst we always hope for smooth travels and can do a lot of checks ourselves to keep our cars healthy, it's wise to be prepared for any eventuality. Vehicle parts can fail, so having an extended car warranty in place will give you the peace of mind you need.




Always check you have enough fuel to reach your destination and drive back again before setting off on a journey. Keep in mind your nearby fuel stations so you have a place to call in at if your tank gets low. It’s important to keep your fuel tank at least a quarter full; otherwise, sediment can build up in your fuel tank and the fuel pump can overheat. Regularly check your fuel system for leaks and monitor your MPG on a regular basis. Any signs of fumes or dampness, or any sudden drop in fuel efficiency, can indicate a problem and should be addressed immediately.


If you’re concerned about running out on longer journeys or in unfamiliar areas, read through RAC’s guide to saving fuel.


Engine Oil


For your engine to function smoothly, it is crucial to keep your engine oil topped up to protect its interior and help with transferring excess heat away from the engine. Scarily, around 30% of UK drivers’ engine oil levels are dangerously low. Without attention, this can lead to catastrophic engine damage and can cause breakdown. This is why it’s so important to regularly check your engine oil level and top it up where necessary to ensure it is between the minimum and maximum mark on your car’s dipstick.




The dark black colour of our roads means a lot of problem objects are often concealed. Driving over rough or sharp objects hiding on the road can damage your tyres. Tyres with splits, bulges, or tears can be extremely dangerous to drive with. To avoid these risks, regularly check your tyres for any abnormalities and replace your tyres replace your tyres when the tread wears low.


To retain good traction and grip on your tyres, maintaining a safe tread depth on your tyres of at least 1.6mm, or 3mm in winter, is critical. Without a good tread on your tyres, your car could struggle to break and your risk of aquaplaning increases hugely.


Engine Coolant


Engine coolant maintains an ideal temperature for your engine, ensuring it operates efficiently. Incorrect coolant levels can lead to a frozen engine or to your engine overheating. While you won’t need to check this as frequently as other vehicle components, it’s essential to inspect it before long trips or road journeys.




Your car is equipped with essential electrical systems, from headlights to the battery to air conditioning. Each of these components is crucial for your safety on the road. There are several checks you can do at home to ensure these systems are functioning properly. For instance, have someone walk around your vehicle to confirm that all the lights are working, including checking if the brake lights illuminate when you press the brake pedal. You should also inspect your battery terminals to ensure they’re clean and secure. Any corrosion can be removed with hot water. If you notice any problems with your battery, it’s best to consult a professional mechanic.


Screen Wash


Checking your screen wash is simple. Under the bonnet, you’ll find the tank, typically marked by a large blue plastic cap with a windscreen symbol on top. You can opt for screen wash concentrate that you mix yourself or a ready-to-use formula, which is a bit pricier. It's essential to keep the tank topped up year-round to effectively clear away smeared bugs, bird droppings, mud splashes, or other obstructions, to give you a clear view while driving.


1 comment:

  1. These are all very important things to make sure are up to date in your car. I will be sure to check these all very soon, especially since it is getting colder and colder.
