Sunday, 19 August 2018


Nila recently turned one, I know, I can not believe it . Where has this year gone? It has literally flown by and I wish my baby would stop growing up and stay a baby, rant over :)

She is eager to walk and constantly tries to get up and pull herself up on you, and I had noticed that her feet weren’t doing what she wanted them to basically, and she was beginning to get frustrated with it all.

We decided to get her feet measured in Clarke’s and pick her out her first pair of shoes. We went into Clarke’s and she was full of smiles for the lady, it was so cute. She put her feet in the measuring foot holder and Nila kept pulling it out, definitely my cheeky child.

She measured at size 3.5F , we popped her back in the buggy and got looking. I’ve got to admit they didn’t have a great deal to choose from . We went to a little Clarke’s that was actually in a mothercare store so we were a little limited to what they had in her size.

We ended up going for a pair that would be neutral for most outfits and go with everything hopefully. We chose a pair from the little weave range , and picked out the most cutest pair of sandals in the colour blush.

We put them on when we got home, which was a little bit of a struggle . The dreaded toe scrunching making it impossible to put little shoes in little babies :) .

 When we finally did get them on her and she loves them!. We stood her up to see how she felt with them on and standing , and so far she is loving wearing them. They do restrict her a little bit when she’s crawling but I think also she is getting use to having them in her feet and she will wear them in and feel a bit more comfortable with them on.

It’s almost like my  baby is now a big girl with her first pair of big girl shoes. Where does the time fly too eh..

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