Thursday, 13 September 2018


Scott has never been a beach person, in fact he hates it! :) I on the other hand love the beach. For me it is the best place to relax and unwind . It is so therapeutic and I honestly believe the sea air is so good for you.

We decide to have a beach day- very sore if the moment but the girls love the beach and anima has only been a few times and I really wanted to let her run wild on the sand and explore / that’s what childhood is all about isn’t it .

We had lunch before we left and took our bucket and spades and blankets and headed to Hemsby.
We set up and luckily there were some big sontes we could use to keep the blankets down which was super handy and it as a little windy but the sun was out and it was glorious!.

Alessia stripped off and ran for the sea. She has come on leaps and bounds this summer. She use to be so afraid of the sea and didn’t want to go near it . Now she goes running in and loves it . She jumps over the waves when they come and paddles , she loves the sea and we can never get her out of it now .

Kadiann takes after her mama-  Sunbathing and some music or a book and she is a happy bunny. Plus she is the coldest person I know , always cold! so no way was she going in the sea today! :)  she tried to bury Nilas feet in the sand but she was having none of it and much preferred eating the sand!

We let Nila loose, and oh my she was in her element!. She was shuffling along the sand and talking away and splashing in the water . It was the most cutest thing I have ever seen. She was absolutely soaked but she loved every minute of it .

We also met a family who had a daughter who was 18 months called Nila which was so bizarre and she kept coming over to me because I was shouting Nila :)

We have had the best day and have loved every minute of it . That is what it’s all about isn’t it , life. Making memories and capturing them

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