Saturday, 27 October 2018


We’re lucky to live in a part of the world which has an excellent education system. When children leave school they know how to read and write, they’re taught about science and religion, they’ve dabbled in a new language and have picked up plenty of skills that will help them in becoming successful adults.

However, there’s plenty that the education system doesn’t teach or only skims the surface of, and as parents
there are things we can do to fill in the gaps and give them a more in depth understanding of things. Best of all,
it can be fun and a way to bond with your child. Here are some ideas.

Go On Educational Days Out
Children learn about art, religion and history but of course, most of this will come right out of books. Educational
days out can really bring their learning to life, and enable them to see with their own eyes. Many religious
buildings are open to the public and let you to look around. Museums and galleries feature artwork and artefacts
with plenty of information to explain more. Sites like have plenty of tours on offer, and these can be great
for educational purposes. Walking tours can go in depth into the history of an area, allowing you to see everything
with your own eyes making it far more interesting than reading it out of a textbook. Even things like farms and
zoos can be really educational, it gives children the chance to see the animals in the flesh and learn about their
movements and behaviour.

Teach Them About Money And Budgeting
School is brilliant at teaching kids maths, and most children leave school being able to count, add, subtract,
multiply, apply long division and work out quite complicated sums and formulas. However, there’s more to
budgeting than simply being able to do sums, and it’s something that schools don’t tend to go into much depth on.
As parents we want to protect our children and give them everything, and so financially they’re usually completely covered until they leave home. They’re then suddenly thrust into the big wide world without any prior experience of budgeting. It can be helpful to teach kids about money from a young age. Encourage them to earn their pocket money by doing chores, save up and then spend it on something they really want- it teaches them the value of things. As they reach their teenage years, taking on a part time job promotes a good work ethic, and they can learn to budget their earnings to afford the things they want. Before leaving home, show them how to pay for bills, what they cost and the best ways to keep track. These days, there’s plenty of access to things like budgeting apps and software.

Encourage Socialisation And Empathy
Children get the opportunity to socialise with peers at school, but it’s useful to allow them to play in a less
formal setting. Empathy for example is a learned behaviour, it’s incredibly important throughout life and is something that develops in early socialisation with others. Spending time with peers can also boost your child’s confidence and improve their skills. If you have friends or family with children of similar ages then arranging play dates makes good sense.

-Collaborative Post

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