Sunday, 28 October 2018


The girls love crafting and I am always up for spending an afternoon getting messy in the kitchen . We’ve spent this afternoon making some Halloween themed pictures which the girls loved doing .

I picked up some Halloween confetti from Wilkinson’s for £1, which was a bargain as there are quite a few different characters including pumpkins and bats, which are Alessia’s favourite!! 

The girls loved creating their Halloween master pieces which we are now using as decorations on the fridge!, does anyone else love Halloween? It is our favourite ! and the girls love themed crafts towards the end of the year- Halloween, bonfire night and Christmas are our favourite months! 

Nila is really getting into crafting now she is a little bit older and really concentrated on using crayons and sticking things on the paper . It’s lovely to watch her motor skills and her little brain watching her big sister and trying to copy her .

We make play dough every year in Autumn. We normally use play dough from the shops during the summer but you can’t beat homemade autumn play dough with the gorgeous scent of cinnamon. I must admit Nila does try and eat it! And also licks it but it does smell incredible.

It is so simple to make and really doesn’t take long at all. We store it in our kiln jars , that way the girls can get it out whenever they please and it lasts for ages as the kiln jars have a super tight lock on them which is perfect for keeping the air out .

We also added our leaves that we picked up from our walk over the weekend to add to our play dough which Nila loves as they were super crunchy and perfect for sensory play! :)

We ended the day putting up all the Halloween decorations and got the house ready for the 31st. Is anyone else really looking forward to it? I know we all are.

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