Monday 15 October 2018


Autumn is one of our favourite seasons. The crisp fresh air outside and the fallen leaves. Cosy nights in with books and hot chocolate . We love Autumn.

Also Autumn is the time of year when we get to celebrate Halloween and we love it. Pumpkin soup in the slow cooker and Hocus Pocus On the television, Halloween has always been a favourite holiday in our house .

I thought I would start sharing with you what’s on our shelf throughout the seasons , not only to document the girls favourite books , but also to give you some inspiration for reading material and perhaps point you in the right direction of some really affordable books :)

First up is Nilas favourite at the minute - Pop Up Peekaboo Pumpkin We read this one every night before bed at the minute . Nila is 15 months and this is the perfect book to keep little ones intrigued and guessing . Opening up the flap to reveal which spooky ghoul is larking is her favourite .

Autumn Story is a book we have been reading for a few years now . Alessia enjoys this one and she also reads it to Nila which is so lovely to see. This book tells the story of the little mice at Brambly Hedge harvesting , and how poor Primrose’s daydreaming got her lost in the woods, will she find her way home?

I honestly believe that encouraging your children to read, not only on their own but  to their siblings is so beneficial, and all my girls absolutely love books , just like their mama .

Pumpkin Soup Is about a cat, Squirrel and a duck that live in and old cabin, with a pumpkin patch in the garden. Every day Cat slices up some pumpkin, Squirrel stirs in the water and Duck tips in a little salt to make the most perfect pumpkin soup, until one day Duck wants to do the stirring...

I love the colours of this book , full of vibrant but warm autumn colours - reds and oranges , it has such a cosy feel to the story and who doesn’t love pumpkin soup at this time of year! :)

Can you guess who’s hiding behind the door? Creak! Squeak! Halloween Is the ultimate flap book. Not only does it have a surprise waiting for you behind every flap,  but once the flap is lifted it also reveals a sound , from croaking frogs to creaking doors. This is a great book for encouraging interaction and hands on play , and will keep your kiddies entertained for ages!.

I’d love to hear if you have any favourite books this Autumn and if you’ve read any of our favourites , let us know what you think! :)

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