Monday, 31 December 2018


New Year’s Eve and I am snuggled up with the younger two watching Jaws - Alessia’s request :). We watched the first half the other day and she’s got really intrigued by sharks lately so that’s the plans for the next hour.

Nila is busy playing with her dinosaur teddies and using the bed as a trampoline , that’s what you do when your 18 months old apparently :) .

Alessia has just gone to get snacks , she’s normally a while as she can never decide on what she wants and I thought I would share with you my hopes for 2019.

Resolutions and goals I feel being to much pressure to the table and last years goals I don’t think I achieved any, and then you start feeling disheartened and that’s definitely not what I want for thefoming year .

My hopes for 2019 are probably not far off what most people what , but I struggle with finding a balance with them all and they all get jumbled in my head , mum brain! :)


- To pass my driving test . Honestly , I only have about 13 months left on my provisional license so technically this is a definitely needs to get done kinda hope :) - but money has always pushed this one back as we can’t sfford to spend more net each week on lessons , but I am going to make this one a priority as the girls and I would really benefit from me driving and all the little adventures we could go on :)

- Make memories . Now we do this anyway , but I really want to capture so much this year and explore more . Take little weekend trips away and days out as a family . Make as many memories as we can .

- Take time out . I don’t take any time out for myself and end up getting extremely anxious and overwhelmed by it . Taking time out for self care and a soak in the bath with a book is not as impossible as I tell myself, or i prioritise  the dishes instead of a soak . This year I will try and take time out for myself so I can start feeling like me again.

-Get organised. I am not organised what so ever! I am a pro at winging everything in life and it’s really not good . I want to organise our family and life as now I am self employed , Hingis need to be in order . So basically I need to get my sh*t together :) . I have a blogging planner and a family calendar so there really are no excuses.

-Enjoy the year . Easier said than done . 2018 wasn’t the best and we moved house twice ! . I want us all to enjoy the year and have fun. Less stress , less worries and more happiness .

I hope 2019 brings you everything you hope for and more

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