Saturday, 1 December 2018


We love walking , and if you have followed us for a while then you will already know this. Come rain or shine we love to get outdoors an explore, it’s just something we’ve always done and the girls absolutely love it.

We are lucky enough to live in a little are that has quite a few trails and nature paths that are easy enough for the children and even have stop areas with benches , and we have been know to take a flask of tea in the colder days or some sandwiches in summer for a little put stop.

The girls actually enjoy riding their scooters too , and I really find that getting out with them with things they enjoy make it even better , and they don’t scream there bored after 5 minutes!.

Now it’s getting colder , no snow he! :), we definitely wrap up warm if we’re in a walk. Hats, gloves, scarfs- the works. I also make sure we have decent footwear as we can be out for sometimes hours in end and without the right footwear you can end up doing damage to your feet.

Boots made for  skiing aren’t the most fashionably footwear around , I give you that, but they are super comfy! And do the job :)

My walking boots have seen better days and I have been searching on the Simply Hike Website for some new ones for Christmas:). The Meindi boots collection have some nice and affordable walking boots .They are perfect for walking and hiking actually .

The memory foam system they have in the boot makes their boots fit perfectly to you, almost like a bed for your feet. Once they are warmed up by body heat the foam changes to match shape of your foot meaning no more pinching, rubbing or pressure.

Have you ever been walking for a while and you could literally cry because your shoes have been rubbing that mug you’ve now got blisters?  Yeah me too !

The meindi boots claim maximum comfort and I really love the look of the journey lady mid gtx boots from the range. The added support for the ankles and also wide fitting is definitely something I’m looking... off to pop them on my Christmas list :)

-Collaborative Post

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