Monday, 25 March 2019


It is a fact that the load of working mums can be unbearable, because when their office hours are over, they start another round at home with their family. Unfortunately, not all women with children have conditions that allow them to develop this role without having to sacrifice their personal time, their facet with children or their careers as professionals.

These situations are what have motivated mum’s from different parts of the world to create their own sources of work, create support networks and ultimate find jobs that could be done from home. These are some of the platforms created by and for mothers who seek the sustenance of their families without neglecting them.


The experience of being a first-time mum led Heike Söns to create a group on Facebook to get the advice of other mums, but she never expected that Momzilla would end up becoming a network for entrepreneurs with more than 38 thousand followers. Currently Heike and Olga are behind this great community that offers products and services, either digitally or at Momzilla Fest, a large bazaar that is organized twice a year.

Voice Over Artist

One job that mums could definitely do from home with just a good microphone and a bit of time is a voice over actress. For example Voquent is a voice over agency offering professional voice artists. It is known that mums have experience with altering their voice to humour the little ones or great experience at narrating stories for them, and this career is not too far from that.


This digital platform is mainly for mums looking for a freelance job or work from home to be free to organize their times. The function of Momlancers is to connect professional mums with companies that are looking for talent based on projects. Most of the women who enrol in the platform have at least five years of experience in their branch.

Pink Bag

It is a digital job bank aimed exclusively at recruiting female talent, especially professional mums. Here you can register to be part of a landscape of candidates looking for full-time, part-time or freelance jobs. An important function that Pink Bag carries out is that of giving workshops so that companies adapt to these new forms of work.

She Works

This is a digital platform founded by the Argentine businesswoman Silvina Moschini, which connects women from all over the world in the workplace. What is important about She Works is that in addition to job vacancies, it offers training courses so that women continue to improve their knowledge; they have alliances with the Cisco Networking Academy, for example and more.

I’d love to hear any of your work from home ideas and how you mama’s earn your money whilst looking after your little ones :) 

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