Tuesday, 23 April 2019


Spending time with the family is something we try and do often. Life can get in the way and also distance can be a problem.

The grandparents live 4 hours away from us , so trying to spend quality time with them can become impossible sometimes. We drove up to them yesterday morning and have had a lovely time with  as we have been out to the seaside. We use to go to the seaside every year as children and Clacton- On- Sea was our favourite family getaway.

We headed into Great Yarmouth yesterday for a day full of fun , sand and sea- not forgetting the ice creams and 2p drops! They are the kiddies favourites, and they also love checking to see if Grandad has won any prizes for them :)

Lunch stop for some chips and seafood. You can’t beat chips from the seaside and seafood. I love the seafood sticks and the prawns. Nanny isn’t to keen on seafood . The girls definitely take after mummy and Grandad!.

Bingo is Nannie’s favourite and the girls love helping nanny and keep their fingers crossed for the next number to be hers so they can make it off. Slime was one of the prizes and Alessia is a little obsessed with slime so we were hoping for some wins!.

The weather has been absolutely glorious and it makes the day all that better with the sunshine on your side , doesn’t it!.

It had been a busy day, let me tell you. We were all exhausted and ready for bed by the end of it! especially Grandad.

We drove them back home and made them a cup of tea before driving back home. I do worry about them , with them being so far away. Not being just around the corner to check in on them does worry me. Having some peace of mind , knowing that if anything happens to them or they need help they can press a button and get help sounds amazing doesn’t it? That is where Welbeing comes in and how their Lifeline pendants can help.

If you have followed me for a while then you will know I have been a community carer  for the past 6 years. It’s a job I absolutely love and I love giving back to the community and being part of someone’s happiness and helping someone to maintain their own independence in their home. I’ve worked with lifeline pendants for a long time now and 90% of our service users have them and they are incredible, and have saved a lot of lives.

Having a lifeline pendant means that your loved ones have access to help and support just by pushing a button. It is simply a pendant with a button to push. Nothing technical! So simple to use. Having 24 hour support , 365 days a year takes a bit of the pressure off of the ones that simply can’t be around all the time too.

Not only are the emergency services alerted when the button is pressed but also the family members, so you will still be involved and alerted.

We sometimes think that going for a simple walk or a day trip out with the grandchildren  might be to much for an elderly person, but it has been proven that getting out and active has a huge positive effect on their health and well-being.Physical inactivity and falls are huge contributors to the health of the elderly and making small changes and little gestures will increase their quality of life.

The statistics show that :

● Approximately 28-35% of people aged of 65 and over fall each year.
● 32-42% for those are over 70 years of age.
● Approximately 30-50% of people living in long-term care institutions fall each year, and 40% of them experienced recurrent falls.
● Falls account for 40% of all injury deaths for people aged 65 and over.

● Physical inactivity in the elderly costs the NHS £1 billion.
● Unaddressed falls hazards in the home are estimated to cost the NHS in England £435m

It has been lovely spending time with the family and making some more memories. We really need to do it more often, and with the help of Welbeing, we can.

-This is a paid collaborative post

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